Saturday, October 23, 2010

Easter 2010

This year, Casey and I hosted Easter at our house for both families.  It was so much fun; lots of good food and good company!  We can't wait to do it again!

 I made these little chick cupcakes!!  Probably the most domestic thing I've ever done :)

Easter pics!

8 Months

Keaton eating to see why Roxy is Keaton's new best friend :)

Keaton- 7 Months!


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy 6 Months Keaton!

Here we go again...

In January we found out our new family of 3 was quickly going to become a family of 4!  Yep, our kids were going to be about 13 1/2 months apart!  We were so shocked and surprised; and as you can see so was everyone else!  When we were trying to decide how to share the news, I wanted to have Keaton wear a onsie that said "Big Brother" on it; turns out they don't really make onsies that say Big Brother so we ended up finding a T-shirt that was size 4T (and Keaton was only 5 months old) that said it.  We casually walked in while everyone was eating and said, "hey how do you guys like Keaton's new shirt?"  It was perfect!


Worst Blogger EVER!!!

I definitely remember stating, "I will NEVER back blog again!" when I made my last run of posts.  Well, looks like that was a lie.  I seriously cannot believe it has been 10 months since I last blogged.  SORRY!  Well, bear with me as I try to remember and blog about the last 10 months of our lives...a lot has been happening!