This year, Casey and I hosted Easter at our house for both families. It was so much fun; lots of good food and good company! We can't wait to do it again!
I made these little chick cupcakes!! Probably the most domestic thing I've ever done :)
In January we found out our new family of 3 was quickly going to become a family of 4! Yep, our kids were going to be about 13 1/2 months apart! We were so shocked and surprised; and as you can see so was everyone else! When we were trying to decide how to share the news, I wanted to have Keaton wear a onsie that said "Big Brother" on it; turns out they don't really make onsies that say Big Brother so we ended up finding a T-shirt that was size 4T (and Keaton was only 5 months old) that said it. We casually walked in while everyone was eating and said, "hey how do you guys like Keaton's new shirt?" It was perfect!
I definitely remember stating, "I will NEVER back blog again!" when I made my last run of posts. Well, looks like that was a lie. I seriously cannot believe it has been 10 months since I last blogged. SORRY! Well, bear with me as I try to remember and blog about the last 10 months of our lives...a lot has been happening!
Casey and I have recently embarked upon the most exciting time of our lives...parenthood. We feel so blessed to have our sons Keaton and Kai and have been enjoying every moment of it.
Casey has been working as a Seattle police officer for the last two years. He truly loves his job and enjoys going to work! He's even received several commendations in just the short time he's been there! We are all so proud of him. Casey is also busy being an amazing dad; I really love seeing him with our boys.
I've been staying busy keeping up with a toddler and caring for a newborn; but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm truly loving being a mom; I fall more in love with my boys every day. Time is definitely flying by too fast so I'm trying my hardest to just live in the moment each day. I'm also still working at Good Sam hospital in the ER.