Friday, December 4, 2009

Shrek baby!

1st Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving was extra neat and special because it was exactly one year ago that Casey and I told our families that we were expecting!  Last year on Thanksgiving, we made a list: Casey and Tawnie's 2009 Christmas List.  On it we listed things like books, dvds, gift cards, and then added things like diapers, crib, bottles, onsies, etc...  Everyones' reactions were priceless; definitely wish we had video taped!  So last Thanksgiving was so emotional and exciting and to know that in a year, we would have our new addition sitting at the table with us.  It's hard to believe that a year has already gone by and Keaton was sitting at the table with us in his little bumbo seat.  Casey and I feel so blessed to have Keaton, our families, our friends, good jobs, roof over our heads, and food in our bellies.  We have so much to be thankful for.

With my help, Keaton made these turkey handprint cards for his grandmas and grandpas.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

4 Months!!!

Leah's mom got this little dalmation outfit for Keat...cutest little doggy ever!!

More bath time!

In his exersaucer for the first time!!  He loves it! 

Monday, November 23, 2009


We can't believe that Keaton will already be 4 months old!  Every day we love watching Keaton grow; he's getting so big!  His 4 month check up will be on December 2 (it was the closest day to the 24th that I could get him in that matched up with my work schedule!) so we're excited to see his new stats. 

A little about Keat:
Even though he's just about 4 months, he most comfortably fits into 6 month clothing (and has been for a little bit now).  You'll most often find Keaton with his fist or thumb in his mouth, or his binky, and he's quite the drooler.  His favorite toys are a little stuffed ducky and a music playing doggy.  He also loves his little blankies with silkies on them. We've been pretty lucky because he's been sleeping through the night for 6-7 hours for a while now!  He's quite the talker; he loves to coo and babble to everyone and let us know just exactly what's on his mind. :)  Casey and I are absolutely loving being parents and can hardly remember life before Keaton.  We feel so blessed to have such amazing family and friends to share our bundle of joy with.  Keaton definitely is surrounded by love.

bath time!  Keaton loves bath time.  His favorite thing to do lately is splish and splash all over the place with his legs :)

post bath

He's so good at holding up his head

Halloween 2009

Keaton went trick-or-treating with his cousins...hopefully he'll never want to be that scary!

Dylan, Justin, Anthony, Michael, and Keaton

Dylan's sweet mullet....yes, that's his real hair!

Somebody's sleepy