When we got to do the "fun" ultrasound to find out if we were having a boy or a girl, Casey and I decided that we wouldn't look during the ultrasound and would instead have a big reveal with all the family. Well, of course Casey, who can't have any surprises, "accidentally thought the ultrasound tech said, "okay, you guys can look now" " when I was in the same room and heard her say nothing; so he knew the sex the right away. He tried to tempt me and tell me but I wanted to wait until our little party which was going to be the next day. Almost everyone, including myself, predicted boy (I mean, c'mon, it's a Steiger) but there were a few votes for girl. It was so much fun to cut into the cake to officially unveil the gender (the frosting inside the cake was blue). Everyone was so excited!
We had blue and pink strands of garland and told Keaton to pick one...at first he went for the pink but then last minute he switched to the blue! Good guess Keat!
Seeing the blue!