Friday, December 4, 2009

1st Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving was extra neat and special because it was exactly one year ago that Casey and I told our families that we were expecting!  Last year on Thanksgiving, we made a list: Casey and Tawnie's 2009 Christmas List.  On it we listed things like books, dvds, gift cards, and then added things like diapers, crib, bottles, onsies, etc...  Everyones' reactions were priceless; definitely wish we had video taped!  So last Thanksgiving was so emotional and exciting and to know that in a year, we would have our new addition sitting at the table with us.  It's hard to believe that a year has already gone by and Keaton was sitting at the table with us in his little bumbo seat.  Casey and I feel so blessed to have Keaton, our families, our friends, good jobs, roof over our heads, and food in our bellies.  We have so much to be thankful for.

With my help, Keaton made these turkey handprint cards for his grandmas and grandpas.

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